We are delighted to announce that X3 Solutions Ltd are the latest company to join CMPP as Members. Welcome X3!
X3 Solutions Ltd was founded by David Beswick (Creative Director) (pictured above)
and Martin Newell (Operations Director) (above) some 10 years ago and is based in Ash .
X3 Solutions are a creative, service-focused AV company specialising in the production of live events and conferences in the UK and Europe.
David is incredibly enthusiastic about working with CMPP in the year ahead: 'X3 Solutions is built on ethical principles and integrity; it's important to us, our staff and our clients that the values we have are reflected in the way we conduct our business.
It's absolutely clear that in CMPP we have an organisation that not only shares our values and way of thinking but one which will collaborate with us to help give back to the community.'
CEO, Tracy Jarvis, is thrilled at the decision to join CMPP : 'X3 Solutions are an excellent local business doing hi-tec, hi-quality work for a range of clients, including some very large companies, with ambition to grow. David and Martin are such positive people, genuinely determined to make a difference for others. They will be brilliant partners, adding considerable value to CMPP - David has already identified a number of projects to which he believes X3 can add real improvements to the Charity. Fantastic to have them with us.'