Apologies to the Bard but what a fantastic summer of volunteering and Community Action we've been privileged to enjoy this year!!

Since the first days of June we've seen:
the fabulous Junivators from Juniper take on the rejuvenation of White Lodge
the brilliant BMW Group UK team driving more improvements at Reg's Garden
the fantastic Farnborough Airport and Aviator high flyers transforming Cove School
the Leapfrog Marketing crew lovingly maintaining the 29th Odiham Scout's site
the magnificent MAPP team at Farnborough Business Park helping with the relocation of Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice
the sensational group from FlightSafety International keeping the well-being garden at Frimley Park Hospital so beautiful
the sensational Stewart & Co volunteering angels who've transformed the cedar hut at Frimhurst
the energetic band from BAE Systems who dug and dug to improve the grounds at Yateley Industries
And of course, who could forget the 100 plus volunteers from 13 Member companies who turned up to clean the beach at Hayling Island, our second such Annual Volunteering Day:
Amazon Filters, Asahi, BMW Group UK, Gulfstream, Happiful, MAPP, Syniti, Switchfoot, Prospect Trust, Thirst Films, The Village Hotel, UK Connect and YRH Finance. Phew!
So many beneficiaries of your efforts - more than you'll ever know because it's absolutely true to say that volunteering is truly the gift which keeps on giving.
On behalf of them all, thank you. See you at the Twilight on 16 September when we hope to build on the huge success of last year's event!
