‘Think globally, act locally’ : a well known slogan often used in a variety of contexts, perhaps originating from Friends of the Earth in the 1970's. Fifty years on, its message still resonates.
Here’s a thought… when we reflect on the state of the world today, the huge issues confronting us - global warming, the economy, political leadership, international conflicts, poverty, migration (you know the list!) - can make it all look pretty bleak! The relentless daily reporting of bad news often portrays humanity at its worst and can generate a dispiriting sense that nothing is getting better. It can even make us feel powerless to influence and, worse still, that our actions are insignificant in the face of such vast events.
But if for a moment we take a look at things on a smaller, more human scale, then the world looks so different...
Watching teams of company volunteers get stuck in, listening to the happy laughter and the banter, enjoying the warm camaraderie experienced as people look back at the progress their collective efforts have made since the day started, reflecting on the visible difference their work has made to the real lives of others: looked at through this lens, our world looks far brighter - positive, optimistic, hopeful, beautiful...
It’s no surprise that volunteers comment on improved wellbeing, happiness and yes, empowerment. Moreover, time after time those involved also report a renewed sense of commitment to their workplace; appreciation of the forward thinking employer who gave them the opportunity to get out of the office and benefit from a shared affirmative experience with colleagues.
This is not for a moment suggesting that we all should live with our heads in the sand, hands over our ears blocking out bad news, deceiving ourselves that we're ok in la-la land.
No - but in a precarious age, 'thinking and acting locally' could be a serious business strategy for helping promote wellbeing, improve morale and teamwork.
A reminder of the value of small moments in all our lives.
As the old adage has it, 'from little acorns mighty oaks grow'...
A smile, a garden, a project completed, an individual act of kindness, the people who stepped out at the Twilight Runway Challenge to help raise money for dozens of good causes - in the words of the song, these are heartening reasons to be cheerful!
If you'd like to get involved by joining the growing Community Matters Partnership, please get in touch. We’d really love to hear from you.