CMP has been working with a number of our Members to devise a programme of work-place visits which will contribute towards the personal development of local school-aged students.
The ambitious pilot programme, known as RAISE, will it is hoped, help to:
inspire future ambition through proactive interaction with role models in business
build motivation levels through support, encouragement and empowerment
grow and sustain learners’ confidence through practical experiences
improve students' commitment and thereby academic performance
encourage learners to explore linking transferable skills to entrepreneurship
In tandem with Tomlinscote School, part of The Prospect Trust, an initial cohort of twelve year 9 learners will be undertaking 6 work visits, starting later this month. Caroline Crabtree who is heading this project at the School, spoke enthusiastically about RAISE:
'From the moment Simon outlined the scope of the project to me, I knew we had to be involved. Our Head, Rob Major, was on board straightaway.
RAISE provides our learners with incredible opportunities to gain insight into outstanding companies operating on their doorsteps. It gives real world experience of a wide range of employment sectors and work roles - it's absolutely fantastic for them.'
To be selected in the first cohort, year 9 students were invited to explain why they wanted to be included in the programme. Logistics meant that numbers were limited in this pilot and competition for places was high.
Simon Jarvis, whose brainchild this initiative is, was highly impressed by the quality of applications: 'The students who might benefit most from RAISE were identified by Caroline and invited to express their interest. It was important to launch RAISE as an extra which students wanted to get into - a ‘wow’ experience!
The 'application process' - superbly handled by the School - has resulted in a diverse powerhouse of talents and skills. Remarkable - the employers are going to be astonished at the potential of these young people!'
CMP Members have welcomed and wholly embraced what RAISE is trying to achieve. The first day of the programme (19 March) sees the students spending time at Farnborough Airport, before moving on to UK Connect. The second day in April (30) sees the students exploring The Village Hotel in Farnborough then Syneos Health. A third day is being planned early in the autumn term, once the students have just begun year 10. Just before Christmas, the young people will be asked to present their reflections on what they have learnt to employers.
Each of the business involved have generously committed time and resources to create experiences which will engage students and inspire interest in a multiplicity of work roles. Whilst on site, students will learn about the journeys into work of an array of business leaders, hear from apprentices about routes into employment, and complete hands-on activities designed to motivate and provide a better understanding of working life.
In preparation for the site visits, students will be asked to conduct research into the companies; afterwards, they will be expected to complete assessments of their experiences and prepare presentations to feedback on what they have learned. It is hoped that RAISE will contribute positively in helping the young people to identify future work placements to be undertaken in year 10, and even help shape future career paths.
Helene Livesey, Deputy Head at Tomlinscote School, commented: 'I'm really looking forward to monitoring the progress of the cohort over the year ahead. Of course there will be lessons for all involved to learn - that's the way of anything new. But I know that Simon and the team are optimistic that if this RAISE pilot goes well, it could be possible to roll the programme out more widely in 2025.'
We look forward to reporting on the progress of this CMP initiative over what should be lively, eventful year.